But first let's pick up where we left off; the 14th May 2007 marking the 25th anniversary of Compton Castle's arrival at Lemon Quay. A day for celebration?
May 14 2007 I am in Truro. It has been seven years since I was last here. It is a grey wet morning at Lemon Quay. The old boat looks a sorry sight. It must be the first day of trading for the season.Two people are aboard, and removing a green tarpaulin sheet, to reveal a mess underneath of rust, rot, and weeds. Two vans have pulled up. One reads 'Flower Growers & Wholesale Florists'. They are offloading all manner of plants, which are being trolleyed to her.
Sometime later. She's not exactly garlanded in flowers yet, but looks a lot happier. They are cleaning the decks.
Later still. Much better now all the mould has been washed away. More plants. The wicker baskets look good. A ragged flag flies from a flimsy pole. The plastic heron on the top looks in need of a friend.